Founded by Frank G. Karioris and Evan Schnair in 2022, we strive to build a community of educator-writers and writer-educators.
Paideia Poetry is an online and print journal that publishes poetry. Our aim is to generate community and to share in the joy of poetry. Begun out of a realization of the importance of building and nurturing our own creative work that we as educators often let fallow, we decided to build something that could provide us sustenance in our creative well. In doing so, we realized the importance that this could have for other educators. Here, ‘educators’ casts a wide berth, including those in formal educational institutions, those who work in informal settings of education, and those who undertake their daily lives with the goal of provisioning others with new insights, perspectives, and opportunities.
We offer a platform for poets to be who they are in all that they are.
We see this press as a seed to community, building relations of writing & teaching. The joy of sharing and the joy of community holds with it a responsibility. We care about those who we publish, and hope that those who publish with us will wish to be - in whatever fashion makes best sense for them - to be in community with all of those related to the press.
Our title recognizes the importance of broad-based, holistic education that opens up education as a nourishing part of life. We actively reject the classical system’s exclusionary practices around gender, race, and class.
Paideia for us means seeing education as related to whole people; to people in community; to the need for poetry in our lives!
Please see Submission page for specific details on the work we seek and guidelines.
General Inquiries: paideiapres@gmail.com