
We strive to publish poetry that demonstrates the power of clarity to evoke its poetic vision, that imagines what could be, that wrestles with truth, that seeks to bring people together rather than to divide. Poetry that might, in its own endeavor, take on the mantle of educator itself.

We strive to carry joy from one space to another by bringing people together through poetry!

At the moment we are only open to short publications, but we are planning to open a call for chapbooks in the near future, so keep an eye out for that! 


Please send all submissions as a word document to

Submissions should between 2 to 5 poems, 10 pages max. Please ensure that the submission does not contain any personal or identifying details.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please let us know if it gets accepted elsewhere, minimally so that we can celebrate this with you!

You may, but are not required, to include a cover letter in your submission. Please make sure to include a short (50 word) bio of yourself in the third person.  

While we encourage work by all, we especially are interested in work by BiPOC, LGBTQ+, working-class, and other marginalized authors.

Your work always belongs to you. If accepted for publication, Paideia Poetry will retain first serial rights. Once published, all rights revert to the author. If the piece is later published in an anthology, chapbook, or elsewhere we kindly request that Paideia Poetry is credited as the initial publisher. 

Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Abuse, etc are not welcome. Ever.